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Code Of Conduct

It is the Board's belief that each student should be treated as a person who can reasonably be expected to be responsible for his/her own behavior. The school administration will assist each student in this program of personal responsibility with a few sensible rules of conduct, focusing on safety and respect for the rights and property of others. These rules will be consistently applied in the classrooms and throughout the school. Students who cannot accept this responsibility and violate school rules will be required to accept the penalties and more regulated supervision.

Discipline is most effective when it deals directly with the problem at the time and place it occurs, and in a way that is viewed as fair and impartial by the student. Therefore, before seeking outside assistance, teachers will first use all appropriate resources to create a change of behavior in the classroom. When the teacher has made every reasonable effort to bring about positive behavioral change, and has been unsuccessful, the students will be referred to administration. Once done, administration assumes the role of deciding what further action will be taken.

Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair, and consistent in order to be most effective in changing behavior.

A Positive Behavioral Incentives and Support (PBIS) Committee comprised of faculty, staff, parents and the administrator has been developed to create a behavior plan that addresses needs in a positive way and recognizes students for appropriate behaviors. PBIS is a school wide initiative which clearly defines expected behaviors in all areas of the building. The expected behavior is clearly posted and taught like any other academic skill. PBIS seeks to acknowledge and reward positive behavior. Research shows a direct correlation between school wide positive behavior and academic success. PBIS is an initiative which is proven effective in improving school behavior, school climate and academic success.